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This application is designed to track animal information in farm or for agents who buys goats / sheep in villages or small market and sell in big market at higher price and butcher who buys animal and sell meat.

Application supports many area including identification of animals, weight, vaccination, insurance etc. Not necessary that all information is useful as per your need. You can add basic minimum information to use application to track your animal data.

Farm owners can use all information like animal breed, weight, vaccination, breeding, insurance and shed etc.

Animal trader (agents) not need to fill all data. They can simply add breed, purchase price, date and sales price to keep track of their profit. All other information may not relevant to maintain if it is not necessary.

Application is free and there is no charges or hidden fees. We do not have plan in future to add pricing. This application is developed to use for our own goat farm and helping other farm owners to use to track their progress of business online.

If you are goat farm owner, we recommending you to buy plastic Tag ID as it is more durable and always hooked at animal ear and less chance to loose or wear & tear. However, application has provision to print system generated paper Tag ID which you can use to create animal record and again print sales Tag with animal information when it is ready to sell in market. Paper Tag ID is more useful to animal traders.

It is free cloud base application which you can use from any device including desktop, laptop or mobile. Android app is available which we recommending you to install and use free.

Application do allow owners (registered users) to add their team which include employee, workers and supervisor. Depending on their role, certain features and functionality restricted to use.

Unfortunately single account can handle only one farm and their employee belongs to that farm. If you have more than one farms, then please create separate accounts for each farms and use from same mobile device by signing in-out.

Tag ID is plastic label that placed in animal’s ear. Each animal require one Tag ID to store information about animal record. Application is designed to capture animal information using Tag ID which is mandatory to use application. Without Tag ID number you can not save animal information. Various form of Tag ID with and without barcode is available in market. Barcode based Tag ID is more useful as you can just simply scan barcode and capture Tag ID. Please check nearby your store or online website to buy at cheap price. We can also help you to find best cheap Tag ID.

Please check below various types of Tag ID available in market.

Nowadays Tag ID has scannable barcode which you can scan from your mobile by turning on camera.

Sales Tag is similar as any price tag of product that you buy in shop or in market. For example, in T-shirt, there is price tag hooked with T-shirt that gives information about Size, MRP, Fabric and made in country. Same way Sales Tag is paper base cutting generated from application. When you are taking animal in market for sell. Sales Tag is print copy of ID size paper cut which will show information about animal including Tag ID, Breed, Weight, Age and selling price. This ID size paper cut you can place in ID card holder and hang sales Tag ID in neck of animal. During sales process in market, you do not need to provide information verbally to buyers again and again. Buyers will check sales tag ID detail and get idea about animal. This will save time in sells transaction. Use Report menu to print sales tag after generating report by selecting Tag IDs.

Tag ID is plastic based strip with unique number that placed in ear of animal which used to create animal record in application where as sales tag is application generated paper cut which prints animal information. Please see below screen for more clarification:

Breed is category of animal that has special features and specifications which uses for identification. Goat has categories into breed with name Boer, Sirohi, Sojat, Jamanapari, Andul, Khassi, Barbari etc. This list could be very long and not necessary that you use all breeds. In order to simplify application we are asking you to add breed that you owns and keep list short.

Application is designed to use for all types of animal. Currently we are enabled only for Goat. If you need to use application for other types of animal like Sheep, Cow, Buffalo, Pig etc., please contact us by sending WhatsApp request or direct phone call. We will enable other animal types as per your custom need.

You may bring animal by purchase either from market or vendor or other goat farm or born at your own farm. Select applicable option to keep record of animal source. Based on your selection, other fields are enabled to capture information like purchase date and price or mother Tag ID of animal in case if it is born at your own farm.

This location or section or compartment name or specific area or zone of your farm where you will be keeping animal most of time. This field is optional and useful if you have big size farm and named farm section / compartment for better identification. Shed / location data useful to find animal’s location when it is pull out for sell or vaccination or weight measurement.

In edit animal mode, we have enabled various functionality including updating status and marking “Ready to Sell” option. Purpose of farm is to raise animal and sell at certain stage. By default, it is set as “No”. When you select “Ready to Sell” selection as Yes, application prompts you to add mention current weight and selling price which will help you to print information in sales Tag for selling perspective. In future we will be adding more functionality to share animal information that has “ready to sell” to your network that includes animal traders, buyers and market in your area. This will help to sell your animal more quickly.

When animal record is created application assign “Live” status which can be check in edit animal mode. As animal condition changes, you can select various status including “Ready to Sell, Sold & Dead”. Each status values opens new field to update which will help to retrieve reports based on status.

For example: Sold status will ask you to mentioned date, price and remark. Where as Dead status will ask you to specify reason and date. Ready to sell status will prompt you to update current weight and selling price which will print in sales tag.

Yes, only owner is authorized to delete animal records. However, employee or team members can create, update and analyze and print sales tag.

Yes, you can maintain breeding detail including date and number of kids born. You can link kids Tag IDs with mother Tag ID record. There is no limit to add to number of breeding cycle.

Farm owners generally require to keep animal healthy and decease free. On time vaccination helps to keep animal mortality rate down. There is possibility that virus may attack animal’s health and chances to spread decease to other animal. Adding vaccination record for animal is optional, however application helps to record all vaccination information including vaccination name, date and any remark. Application maintain history of vaccination for each animal that will helps you to keep track of health of animal.

Current scope of application has only to capture vaccination records. Setting up future vaccination schedule, reminder or doctor visit are planned to add in upcoming release. Please wait for few months as we are working to add more functions in application.

It is important to know progress of health of animal. Update weight records of animal every 2-3 months which will help you to analyze weight gain as per your feed, time and breed selection. By maintaining weight record, you can generate report when animal is ready for sell.

Application is designed to capture insurance information of each animal. Insurance section is optional and little time consuming to record insurance information for each animal. Current designed allows to capture insurance policy, company name, expiry and agent detail.

Currently insurance section is maintained at each animal level. We are working towards to maintain at farm level and also at animal level with option to default from farm level to animal level. Please wait for next release as we will be adding more functionality around insurance section.

Current release has limited reports available. Analyze animal records based on gender, status, weight, purchased price, profit and revenue. Reports also can print Sales Tags after shortlisting animals that are ready for sell in market. Report option is also available print paper based temporary Tag ID to generate animal record.

Application is developed in English. We are recommending you to use English which is default language. However, we have interfaced with google translator which allows you to choose local language. It is possible that google translator may not be translate some of fields in your selected local language correctly.